Working at Elevated Surfaces & Updates on Fall Protection
Helmkamp’s monthly safety meeting was held Wednesday, January 30, 2019. We reviewed a few learning opportunities shared by other contractors and discussed work at elevated surfaces reviewing a few updates on fall protection.
Learning opportunity discussion:
Could this have happened to me? Would I have handled situation differently?
What safeguards could have been put in place before proceeding?
Is my hazard awareness / recognition adequate? Do I take too many risks?
Am I alert enough to recognize potential hazards and courageous enough to STOP?
New Fall Protection Requirements Overview
Snow fencing is acceptable for excavations – Banner tape/tag is acceptable during an active excavation, BUT needs changed when completed or at the end of the day. Banner tape is not acceptable to warn against fall hazards.
Walking/Working Surface Modification Process – Removal of permanent or fixed grating, flooring, handrails, ladders, cages, platforms must be approved.
Work on ladders – tie off is now at 4 feet. Little Giant ladders are acceptable.
Ladder must be secured by employee at grade until employee climbing ladder can secure at top.
A-Frame ladders cannot be used to access another level.
Horizontal scaffold components can be used as tie-off only if SRL is used.
Working in Aerial/Scissor lift must be tied-off with SRL. 2 people required at all times (2 in bucket or 1 in bucket and 1 on ground).
SRL must be worn when working 18 feet and below.
Competent person approves anchor point. Tie off to pipe 6” or greater (uninsulated), I-beam 5” and greater (1-Person per span).
Rescue pre plans required when self-rescue, lift/ladder, anchor points are not available.
Check your vehicles for Fall Protection and Rigging equipment and make sure it has been inspected and color-coded for the New Year.