At Helmkamp’ s monthly safety meeting, we highlighted two examples of Helmkamp leadership and taking time to plan for safe work. We also discussed proper use of ladders and ladder inspection requirements.
HCC leadership example: Managing a safe job is the fastest and clearest way to succeed; 2 examples HCC leaders showing up ready for success:
Detailed lift plan; use of telehandler to set structural steel; requested documentation for qualified crane operator and identified 2 issues that otherwise would not been identified if not for pre-planning
Steel erection pre-con meeting held with sub-contractor setting very clear expectation prior to their arrival to jobsite
April is Ladder Safety Month! All ladders shall be inspected prior to use:
Side rails in good condition
Steps or Rungs Not Loose or Damages
Spreader Braces Not Damaged and Fully Opened
Screw, Rivets, or Bolts, not missing or damaged
Ladder Free from Oil, Grease, or Slippery Material
Manufacturer’s labels, warnings, and ratings are legible
Movable Parts free from splinter, cracks, decay
Non-Slip Feet In Good Condition
Bracing Front/Rear is not loose, bent, broken, or missing
Top is not loose, cracked, or missing
2 most common ladder incidents include:
Missing the last step when climbing down
NEVER allow unacceptable risk on your project!
Stay within reach
3-point contact/take time climbing/don’t skip steps
Use right size ladder
Place ladder on firm level ground
The number speak for themselves:
+700 - ladder injuries everyday
113 - Deaths caused by fall each year
6-10 ft. - most common ladder fall happen between 6 and 10 feet